It’s Okay to Be Good and Not Great

“Good is the enemy of great” is one of the most popular self-improvement expressions there is. It’s the first sentence of an international…

How to listen — really listen — to someone you don’t agree with

Listening may not be the most exciting part of conversation, but it’s essential if you want to have a meaningful exchange with another person.…

The Key Skill We Rarely Learn: How to Feel Your Feelings

In my family, I was the “emotional one.” Even as I kid I remember throwing angry tantrums when things didn’t go my way, crying when I got hurt…

6 Habits You Should Quit This Year for a Better Future

Most people underestimate how our small daily actions shape our future. They think that big life changes lead to huge differences in our lives,…

3-2-1: Innovative thinking, the trap of self-pity, and how to spend your time

When was the last time you felt a sense of wonder and awe? What can that experience teach you about how to spend your time?

Here’s how leaders can guide alternate career paths

Management has long been thought of as a necessary step of upward progression in a person’s career. And as history would have it, most managers…