Nick Adams reflects on how working in the hospitality industry prior to joining the NHS has shaped his leadership style and behaviours. He shares some reflections on changing career path later in life and how he keeps the patient in mind throughout his day to day role as an Administrator Co-ordinator for Liver Research.

3 Quotes to lead by...

‘So my very first job was in hospitality, I worked in a hotel for 15 years, up until I started in the NHS that had been my only job. It taught me all sorts of things – the basic skills that you need in any job; how to approach and talk to people I don’t know, how to act professionally.’


Q. Where applicable, reflect on previous roles you’ve had and what transferable skills you could bring to life in the NHS?.

2. Life Outside Your Area
‘I realised that research in the NHS is a really important thing it’s like a whole other side for the NHS that not many people know or not everyone knows about.’


Q. How much do you know about the Trust, our Hospitals and areas outside of your immediate role? What could you do to increase this?

3. Check The Mirror
‘… if you can’t approach your manager. Then, things aren’t going to get done, you’re not going to work effectively as a team and the team are going to end up unhappy, really. She (Nick’s Manager) worked hard and that’s really inspiring to see because it rubs off on the team.’


Q. What example have you been setting for your team recently?

External Resources

Identifying transferable skills

How Leaders Create and Use Networks

Your leadership behaviour is reflected in your employees’ performance