We joined Helen Southall in her new role as Associate Director of Operations to discuss her plans for managing the current challenge of demand exceeding supply, particularly in the theatre setting across her CDG. Helen reflects on her role as a facilitator in transparent multidisciplinary team discussions, which build rapport and trust, promote innovative thinking, and ultimately provide solutions that assist the supply needed.

3 Quotes to lead by...

‘I find bringing those people together, whether its the surgeons, anaesthetists, my operational support teams, brings about a lot of discussion, a lot of solutions, a lot of innovative thinking. We do tend to find a solution in the end.’


Q. How often are you meeting with multidisciplinary team members to help improve the services we provide?

‘I think in terms of encouraging conversations from different teams… the biggest challenge sometimes is around individuals representing their areas only and not understanding the bigger picture… But actually once they get in a room and they listen to the surgeons, the theatre staff, the anaesthetists, you understand the challenges which are much broader and wider than that… I think it just promotes us working better together.’


Q. How organisationally aware are your team?

‘Over time you build up a rapport and trust with your service leads and individuals who work in your service… they’ll have the trust in you, they’ll have the confidence that you’ll commit to what you’re going to undertake and you will finish that.’


Q. Building trust and rapport with your team takes time when starting a new management role. What can you do to show your staff that you are committed?

External Resources

10 Leadership habits that promote team collaboration

Does Your Team Understand The ‘Big Picture’? Ask 5 Questions To Find Out

Building Rapport - Establishing Strong Two-Way Connections