Imposter Syndrome

We joined Georgina Collyer, Finance Business Partner, to talk about how she overcame a challenging time in her career when her workload became…

5 Min 33 Sec

2025 Year of Leadership

In this episode, we’re looking back at some of the most powerful stories and lessons we’ve shared throughout 2024. These moments capture the…

5 Min 05 Sec

Really Knowing Your People

In this episode, we join Daniel Kearns, Head Biomedical Scientist, to discuss how he keeps people at the centre of his management and…

6 Min 06 Sec

A Difficult Message

We spent some time with Martin Hetherington, Associate Director of Finance at Good Hope Hospital, to discuss the key skills he brings from a…

4 Min 23 Sec

Calm and Reflective Communication

Graeme Jones shares the valuable knowledge and leadership skills he brings from a 15-year career with the West Midlands Ambulance Service into…

7 Min 19 Sec

Open And Transparent Conversations

We joined Helen Southall in her new role as Associate Director of Operations to discuss her plans for managing the current challenge of demand…

4 Min 55 Sec

More Than Just The Numbers

In this episode, we caught up with Laura Humm to discuss how her role as a Senior Finance Business Partner has enabled her to combine a desire…

5 Min 28 Sec

Living The Values

We spent some time with Mo Hussain, Chief Strategy and Digital Officer, to discuss his role in leading on all things change. Mo reflects on the…

6 Min 29 Sec

Permission To Get On And Do

Matt Metcalfe shares what he is most excited about as he starts his new role as Hospital Executive Director at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.…

6 Min 21 Sec

A Reset Point

We sat down with Nandan Gautam, Consultant ITU, to talk about recognising when you might need a reset in your career. Nandan reflects on his…

6 Min 53 Sec

A Greater Impact

In this episode, we join Martin Richardson, Hospital Executive Director at Solihull, to talk about how a drive to impact the population we…

6 Min 02 Sec


We spent some time with Dave Lightening, Director of Warehouse and Logistics, to discuss the valuable leadership skills he has developed during…

6 Min 18 Sec

Freedom To Be Autonomous

Rachel Hornabrook, Lead Research Nurse, shares how the opportunities she has been given and the inspirational leaders she has worked with have…

5 Min 35 Sec

Linking In With People

We caught up with Simon Jarvis to talk about his new role as Hospital Executive Director at Good Hope. Simon reflects on his leadership style,…

5 Min 06 Sec

Faith In Yourself

In this episode, we join Umesh Salanke, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, to talk about how he supports junior doctors in The Trust on their…

5 Min 25 Sec

People-Centred Needs

Wumi Arowolo, Ward Manager, shares how she uses a person-centred approach to identify and meet the needs of her team members. Wumi reflects on…

5 Min 21 Sec

The Heartlands Spirit

We spent some time with Dr Rifat Rashid, newly appointed Hospital Executive Director at Heartlands, to talk about what she is most looking…

7 Min 35 Sec

Welcome to Leadership

In this episode, we join Jonathan Brotherton, Chief Executive, to introduce our new Welcome to Leadership programme. Jonathan shares what the…

4 Min 44 Sec

Leading Through Change

In healthcare, there is constant change, which can be unsettling and even scary for staff. In this episode, we join Charlotte Keates, Director…

5 Min 50 Sec

Embracing New Challenges

Jennifer Willett, Matron, Infectious Diseases, HIV, Immunology and Allergy, reflects on the challenges, knowledge and skill set she has…

5 Min 3 Sec

Inspiring Confidence

We sat down with Peaches Mandebvu, Clinical Support Nurse/Sister, to discuss how she supports new starters to become knowledgeable, skilled and…

5 Min 13 Sec

First Impressions Count

We spent some time with Deanne Hastilow, Cardiology Team Leader, to talk about how she helps new starters to initiate into her team. Deanne…

5 Min 09 Sec

The People’s Promise

In this episode, we joined Robbie Harley, Service Operations Manager, to discuss the importance of team meetings and one-to-ones in supporting…

5 Min 57 Sec

Wellbeing And A Positive Mindset

Jacqui Holmes, Senior Physiotherapist, shares how her struggles with mental health issues during the covid pandemic have encouraged her to…

5 Min 42 Sec

Every Day Is A Learning Day

We spent some time with Clare Beesley, Bereavement Midwife, who talks about the importance of being a strong advocate for her service, families…

6 Min 45 Sec

A Critical Friend

We sat down with Vicki Flindall, Director of Financial Management, to talk about the significance of authenticity to her leadership style.…

5 Min 52 Sec

What Kind Of Leader Will You Be In 2023?

In this episode, we reflect on some of the key messages and advice shared in our stories from 2022. This is a great episode to inspire and…

5 Min 33 Sec

Start With Positivity

In this episode, Lucy Henderson shares how she fell in love with a career in Solihull Theatres from her first student nursing placement there…

6 Min 33 Sec

Dare To Lead

Ruth Pearce, Head of School of Nursing, AHPs and Midwifery, reflects on how leadership styles have changed and developed in the NHS. Having…

7 Min 38 Sec

Compassion And Counsel

Simon Clarke shares how his time working in the Royal Navy has inspired and influenced his leadership style today. He reflects on the vital…

6 Min 08 Sec

Leading Through Uncertainty

We spent some time with Natasha Salmon, Matron, Trauma and Orthopaedics, to talk about the challenges she faced when moving into a Band 7 role…

7 Min 48 Sec

Challenge My Thinking

In this episode, we're catching up with Lead Sexual Health Advisor and Team Manager Jara Phattey, who talks about how her want to work in…

7 Min 12 Sec

Actively Listen

Jamie Richardson shares his experience of the challenges he faced when taking on a progressional role managing a new and larger team than he…

6 Min 57 Sec

The Importance Of Reflection

In this episode, we join Sarah Perry, Office Manager, Trauma and Orthopaedics, to talk about the importance of reflection and the appraisal…

5 Min 35 Sec

Looking Outwards

We spent some time with Sally Austin, Divisional Managing Director, to talk about how the chance to have a wider impact on patient care led her…

7 Min 41 Sec

Leading With Vision

Christopher Stephen reflects on the vital role that data and statistics play in influencing health services and how, although his team in…

6 Min 58 Sec

Learning From The Team

In this episode, we spent some time with Karen Biles, Group Support Manager, Facilities, to talk about her skills in transforming teams and…

7 Min 0 Sec

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Paul-John Alegado shares how his passion for healthcare and education has led to a career as a Clinical Educator. Paul-John reflects on his…

6 Min 59 Sec

Maintaining Relationships

In this episode, Beth O'Riordan reflects on the daily pressures and challenges she faces as an Operations Manager in the Emergency Department…

5 Min 53 Sec

Kind, Connected & Bold

Simon Jarvis, Director of Facilities, shares how a need to make a difference gave him the confidence to push himself out of his comfort zone…

5 Min 18 Sec

The Balance

In this episode, we join Maria Aslam, Specimen Reception Manager, to talk about how her experience as a Biomedical Scientist has influenced the…

5 Min 33 Sec

Seeking Feedback

Physiotherapist Lucy Hill shares her experience of transitioning from a Band 5 to a Band 6. Although a daunting change at first, Lucy reflects…

4 Min 55 Sec

The Right Thing

In this episode, we spent some time with Kiran Ali, Haematology Ward Manager, to talk about her journey from peer to leader and the challenges…

5 Min 08 Sec

From Journalism to the NHS

Fiona Alexander, Director of Communications, reflects upon her career journey and how her time as a journalist developed a valuable and…

9 Min 29 Sec

Strength & Power Of The Team

In this episode, we join Harriet Brown, Therapy Team Lead, to discuss the obstacles she encountered and overcame to fulfil her career…

9 Min 3 Sec

Building Trust

In this episode, we're catching up with Office Manager Lyn Taylor who talks about the importance of continual development. Having taken a…

6 Min 22 Sec

Working Alongside

In this episode we sat down with Ghazala Bi a Radiographer to discuss how she leads her team, the importance of remembering why she got into…

7 Min 33 Sec

Be Yourself

We spent some time with Portland Johnson, Private and Overseas Team Leader, to talk about how she tackled a new role and the challenges she's…

7 Min 33 Sec

Keeping Patients In Mind

Nick Adams reflects on how working in the hospitality industry prior to joining the NHS has shaped his leadership style and behaviours. He…

6 Min 36 Sec

Build Into The Role

Tony Sinton shares his experience of landing the Estates Team Leader role in January 2021 and the journey he's been on since. Having a wealth…

6 Min 19 Sec

Relate & Communicate

Barry Panton, HR Advisor & Mediator talks through his journey at UHB and how his role as a mediator has influenced his leadership style and the…

6 Min 15 Sec

Calm & Approachable

Cheryl Smith, Catering Manager shares her perspectives on the importance of remaining calm even during uncertain times, why visibility as a…

5 Min 48 Sec

Your People Matter

Louise Milligan, Deputy Director of Nursing in Emergency Care shares her experience of what it felt like when she had her first line manager…

8 Min 24 Sec